Welcome to "God's Little Angel" Lip Balms

My name is Samuel and I am an 8 Year old entrepreneur who loves God the father, Jesus his son and God's Holy Spirit.  I am so happy you stopped by my page.  I have collaborated with my sister to offer you this home made lip balm.  I am very happy to announce that the Lord has really bless my business. My very first order was a $100 order, which I am extremely grateful to God. The order was for a pastor who had his 7th year church anniversary.  I custom made his logo on his lip balm order and every one was pleased with it.   My business is aimed more at God's little Angels which are his children and any one who would love to support my business.   Thank you so much for visiting my website and God bless you.   


For every lip balm that you purchase, 10% will be donated to Operation Under Ground.

If you would like more information click on the bottom link.



Thank  you for your support